James 4:17 (NIV)
“If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them.”
My name is Vikki Leatham and I am a missionary in Fiji.
For the last twenty years, I’ve worked in the counseling field and have run workshops teaching about the subjects of healing from domestic violence, child, sexual abuse and any other forms of pain and trauma. I have counseled and walked many journeys with men, women and children from all cultural backgrounds.
I have seen and counseled hundreds of children and adults who have been devastated by sexual abuse. The statistics here in Fiji go as high as 2 in 3 children who are suffering abuse and it is getting worse daily. Unless we begin to educate children on how to ask for help and speak up, the silence will never be broken. We have seen that education is the key to slowing this life shattering epidemic down. Therefore, we have written several programs to help in this fight.
The first teaching has two parts.
Part One, is to help adults who are victims of abuse to learn how to heal from their own wounds and to have courage to speak it out, part 2 is to educate the parents on how to recognize a child being abused if it is happening in their families and community.
Part Two, is a children’s program called ‘STOP’. It teaches children via music, interactive activities and teaching how to stand with courage and speak out if it is happening to them. We cannot win this battle of child abuse unless children know they can stand strong and say STOP. My team and I are available to go to schools, cell groups, churches, individual families and any where else we can serve. We also do counseling with victims or help them to find people who can support them
We believe that if we work together as a community we can stop this abuse from robbing our children of their freedom and innocence.
Click here to download a PDF of our Children’s Handouts
Vikki Leatham
8 Vomo Street,
Ph 8360000/9768860
Email- vikki.leatham@hotmail.com